Wednesday, March 13, 2013

30 days challenge!!

I listed out my skin problem, partly due to the ageing process, pre/post-pregnancy, stress, lack of sleep or wrong usage of skin care product along the years accumulated.
 - Kick start my day with 150ml Aloe Vera Gel
with 600ml water
- End my day with 150ml Aloe Vera Gel with
30ml Forever Pomesteen Power

My skin care product
The 'BEST' eye makeup remover and
that can be used for the entire face
Last but not least, my can't leave without:
- Aloe Vera Gelly
- Aloe Propolis Creme
- Aloe Scrub

Monday, March 11, 2013

The New Journey Begins with FLP

It used to be a "break through" in my life and really open up my eyes to hear great success stories by starting a Multi Level Marketing (MLM) business and influenced many people to join as a distributor.

I was then 23, graduated from a local college majoring in IT and worked in this industry for 2 years...Felt very depressed over the income and facing financial problem over credit cards debts...One fine day, I was being approached by a sales assistant in a boutique with an offer to become her makeup model...After the makeup trial session, I then agreed to sign up their Skin Care & Make Up Course.

That's how I found out they are nothing but a MLM company. Initially I felt cheated and disappointed, but somehow, I still get the skills and products from the course which I've signed up...I then started to understand the product and slowly liking their Beauty & Health products. I attended the weekly boost seminar, talks or even rally...Those are really inspiring and manage to light up the fire burning inside me. But that was temporal, I didn't continue with this as a business opportunity...I choose to leave and stay uncontactable with my sponsor.

After 10 years, I am in touch with this name "Forever Living Products" once again. I am giving myself another chance to start this business with my new Sponsor - Zen Goh. The encounter with him was very ironical, I was desperately looking for FLP stokies in Singapore because I wish to experience back the skin care product which I once loved. Called his mobile twice but no answer. He managed to call back few hours later...that's where the 2nd touch of FLP kicked off.